Players by total levels

(Current Era)

1Leo the Lion King20
2Kage the Clan Jumper20
3Jorus .20
4Viktor the Joiner16
5Buddha the human Patriarch14
6Wahooka the gnomish Sorcerer9
7Sassafras Prefers Mercurochrome7
8Xe the human Knight7
9Rhea the elvish Sorceress6
10Payback .5
11Jameson Longtime Leader of the Last Outpost4
12Chainfire 4
13Jeckle .3
14Darkenrahl the Bargain Hunter3
15Zalyr the Supreme Leader of the Allied Forces3
16Andrameda the Observant3
17Rylaz the Theurgic Undertaker2
18Orym of Mice and Men2
19Dimsdale Bugs' Bane2
20Issib what?!2
21Sevmek of Highpoint2
22Jellybean .2
23Morack yells,"CAPS ARE CRAPS!"2
24Driz the Robber of the Rich1
25Styyn the Headmaster1