Players by total bankroll

(Recent Players Only)

1Zalyr The Liege Lord of Flandellyn109088951
2Jorus .40841680
3Payback .29265134
4Jameson Longtime Leader of the Last Outpost26239804
5Buddha the human Patriarch25358842
6Jda .22069395
7Rhea the Snowplow5238106
8Thurman 4919796
9Rylaz Skipped a Grade3522073
10Inconel the Investigator1595836
11Ilyrra the Guild Wolf1181611
12Terra the elvish Sorcerer1053745
13Chromakeye the Star of the Stage426596
14Sassafras the Surgeon151685
15Talison the Aku Bird135308
16Fenfyre the gnomish Spell Student50772
17Drakhen of Mice and Men50286
18Tempus 'tis But a Scratch39367
19Anodyne the Bright Eyed25243
20Gualay the halfling Lieutenant24292
21Vennya Needed a First Aid Kit23401
22Itchibut the ogre Fighter22566
23Pures the human Sneak4350
24Lith the elvish Pick-Pocket3721
25Devlyn the Re-Incarnated3708