Players by percentage of mob types killed

(Recent Players Only)

RankNameMob Percentage
1Jorus .99.6
2Kage the Talented97.7
3Zalyr The Liege Lord of Flandellyn97.3
4Leo the Talented96.2
5Jameson Longtime Leader of the Last Outpost93.6
6Payback .91.7
7Sassafras the Surgeon89.5
8Rhea Still Looking for Waldo89.1
9Buddha the human Patriarch77.0
10Rahjito the Necromanteion of Acheron 💀👼70.3
11Ilyrra the human Sorcerer53.8
12Gualay of the Daisy Pushing Clan26.3
13Bernard the Nighthawk24.6
14Samurai the ogre Knight21.1
15Talison Tilts at Windmills20.2