Achievement Titles

TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Re-IncarnatedDying 1 times39.8%
the Recently DeceasedDying 2 times27.0%
Joined the Choir InvisibleDying 3 times21.9%
the Unlucky AdventurerDying 5 times12.8%
of the Daisy Pushing ClanDying 7 times8.1%
the Corpse DropperDying 10 times6.7%
the Fool Who Rushes InDying 20 times3.5%
the Blue NorwegianDying 30 times1.6%
Pines for the NærøyfjordDying 40 times1.6%
the KamikazeDying 50 times1.4%

TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Small and MeekMaking 1 kills80.7%
the Harmless AdventurerMaking 4 kills64.9%
the Mostly Harmless AdventurerMaking 64 kills36.7%
the AdventurerMaking 128 kills30.7%
the Above Average AdventurerMaking 256 kills27.0%
the Competent AdventurerMaking 512 kills20.9%
the DangerousMaking 1024 kills15.6%
the DeadlyMaking 2048 kills11.9%
the Elite AdventurerMaking 4096 kills7.7%
the Insatiable AdventurerMaking 8192 kills4.7%
the Grim Reaper of LOMaking 16384 kills3.3%

Player Killed
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Player KillerKilling 1 players0.9%
the ExecutionerKilling 4 players0.2%
the Grim ReaperKilling 8 players0.2%
the RipperKilling 16 players0.0%

Zones Claimed
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the LandlordClaiming 1 zones12.8%
the EnforcerClaiming 4 zones8.1%
the SquireClaiming 8 zones5.8%
the FreeholderClaiming 16 zones4.2%
of the Landed GentryClaiming 32 zones3.5%
the ExpansionistClaiming 64 zones2.6%
the VictoriousClaiming 128 zones1.6%
the ValiantClaiming 256 zones0.9%
the Conquering HeroClaiming 512 zones0.5%
Champion of the OutpostClaiming 1024 zones0.2%

Items Purchased
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the New CustomerBuying 1 items80.5%
the Return CustomerBuying 2 items61.9%
the Bargain HunterBuying 8 items39.5%
the Discerning ShopperBuying 32 items24.0%
the ConsumerBuying 128 items13.7%
Shop 'til You Drop!Buying 512 items6.7%
Supports The Local EconomyBuying 1024 items2.8%

Items Sold
TitleEarned FromHeld By
Just Got Paid TodaySelling 1 items58.6%
Got a Pocket Full of ChangeSelling 2 items55.3%
the Merchant in TrainingSelling 4 items50.9%
the Sales PersonSelling 8 items45.3%
the TraderSelling 32 items34.7%
the ProducerSelling 64 items27.9%
the Expert TraderSelling 128 items21.6%
the Captain of IndustrySelling 256 items17.9%
ABS - Always Be Selling!Selling 512 items11.2%
Supports the Global EconomySelling 1024 items6.0%

TitleEarned FromHeld By
Leader of the Last OutpostReclaiming the Outpost 1 times1.2%
The Once and Future LOLOReclaiming the Outpost 4 times0.9%
Our Leader of the Last OutpostReclaiming the Outpost 16 times0.5%
Longtime Leader of the Last OutpostReclaiming the Outpost 32 times0.2%

Made Clan Council
TitleEarned FromHeld By
of the Clan CouncilAppointed to council 1 times1.9%
the Voice of ReasonAppointed to council 2 times1.2%
Il ConsigliereAppointed to council 4 times0.7%

Made Clan Leader
TitleEarned FromHeld By
leader of the ClanElected leader 1 times1.6%
is Back in Charge!Elected leader 2 times0.9%
the PoliticianElected leader 3 times0.5%
your Fearless LeaderElected leader 4 times0.5%

Made Clan Member
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the InducteeEnrolling 1 times10.2%
the JoinerEnrolling 2 times6.3%
the Clan JumperEnrolling 5 times1.9%

Maps Located
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Map SeekerDigging up 1 maps16.3%
the NighthawkDigging up 2 maps13.0%
the Treasure HunterDigging up 4 maps10.5%
the Gold DiggerDigging up 8 maps7.7%
the Cache RaiderDigging up 16 maps4.2%
the ArchaeologistDigging up 32 maps2.8%
the Discoverer of AntiquitiesDigging up 64 maps1.6%
the Relic HunterDigging up 128 maps1.4%
the Living AtlasDigging up 256 maps0.5%

Tax Collected
TitleEarned FromHeld By
Checks the TillsCollecting 1 in Taxes9.3%
the Tax CollectorCollecting 10000 in Taxes8.6%
the Customs OfficialCollecting 100000 in Taxes5.8%
the Internal Revenue AgentCollecting 1000000 in Taxes3.0%
Represents the EstablishmentCollecting 10000000 in Taxes0.7%

Tax Stolen
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the CrowStealing 1 in Taxes9.1%
the EmbezzlerStealing 10000 in Taxes7.9%
the Aku BirdStealing 50000 in Taxes5.1%
the Robber of the RichStealing 100000 in Taxes3.7%
the Old CrowStealing 150000 in Taxes3.0%
the Working Class HeroStealing 1000000 in Taxes0.9%
Works Outside the EstablishmentStealing 10000000 in Taxes0.0%

Heads Hunted
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the HeadhunterCollecting 1 Heads7.7%
Gives a Mean NoogieCollecting 8 Heads4.4%
the GuillotineCollecting 16 Heads4.0%
the Trophy SeekerCollecting 32 Heads3.0%
the HeadmasterCollecting 128 Heads1.4%
the Chief HeadmasterCollecting 256 Heads0.9%

Lost Your Head
TitleEarned FromHeld By
Got a Bad Hair CutLosing your head 1 times5.3%
Has an Itchy NeckLosing your head 2 times1.9%
the Walking Trophy ShopLosing your head 3 times0.9%
the Nearly HeadlessLosing your head 4 times0.2%
the Headless HeroLosing your head 8 times0.2%

Monsters Charmed
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Oddly LikableCharming 8 Mobs10.7%
the Strangely CharmingCharming 32 Mobs8.1%
has Magical AppealCharming 64 Mobs7.2%
the Zoo KeeperCharming 128 Mobs4.7%
the PersuaderCharming 512 Mobs2.8%
the CharismaticCharming 1024 Mobs1.4%

Souls Redeemed
TitleEarned FromHeld By
Shows The Way to SalvationRedeeming 8 souls4.9%
Offers a Second ChanceRedeeming 32 souls4.4%
Prays for Your SoulRedeeming 64 souls4.2%
the Theurgic UndertakerRedeeming 128 souls2.8%
the NecromancerRedeeming 512 souls1.9%
the Necromanteion of AcheronRedeeming 1024 souls0.9%

Dragons Slain
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Dragon SlayerSlaying 1 Dragons14.4%
of the Order of CadmusSlaying 4 Dragons10.7%
of the Order of GawainSlaying 16 Dragons6.0%
the Mighty Dragon SlayerSlaying 64 Dragons3.3%
the Bard of Lake TownSlaying 128 Dragons2.8%
the WyrmscalerSlaying 512 Dragons0.2%

Ghosts Vanquished
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the SoothsayerVanquishing 1 Ghosts29.1%
the ShamanVanquishing 8 Ghosts20.2%
the MediumVanquishing 32 Ghosts12.3%
the Ghost WhispererVanquishing 64 Ghosts7.2%
the Wraith RemoverVanquishing 128 Ghosts5.3%
the Ghost Buster!Vanquishing 512 Ghosts1.9%
the Honorary WinchesterVanquishing 1024 Ghosts0.9%

Quests Completed
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Guild RecruitCompleting 1 Quests76.3%
the QuestlingCompleting 4 Quests31.6%
the Loyal Guild MemberCompleting 8 Quests22.6%
Tilts at WindmillsCompleting 12 Quests16.3%
the Guild's FixerCompleting 16 Quests11.4%
the Ingenious Knight of LOCompleting 24 Quests5.8%
the Guild WolfCompleting 30 Quests3.5%

TitleEarned FromHeld By
The Liege Lord of FlandellynAnnexing the Fasthold 1 times2.1%

Gained 20x4
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Master of the GuildsGaining 20x4 1 times8.6%
the Re-master of the GuildsGaining 20x4 4 times2.6%
the Often EducatedGaining 20x4 8 times1.6%
the Master of Graduate StudiesGaining 20x4 16 times1.2%

Details Found
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Bright EyedFinding Details in 1 Rooms52.6%
the ObservantFinding Details in 5 Rooms24.9%
the Reader of SignsFinding Details in 10 Rooms17.4%
the ExplorerFinding Details in 50 Rooms8.4%
the InvestigatorFinding Details in 100 Rooms6.0%
the ArchaeologistFinding Details in 200 Rooms3.3%
Named The Dog IndianaFinding Details in 300 Rooms2.3%
Still Looking for WaldoFinding Details in 400 Rooms0.7%
Knows Where In The WorldFinding Details in 500 Rooms0.5%
Winner of the Dora AwardFinding Details in 600 Rooms0.5%

Decisions Made
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Civil ServantMaking 1 government decisions9.5%
the Petty BureaucratMaking 5 government decisions6.7%
the DeciderMaking 10 government decisions5.6%
the Little Finger of GovernmentMaking 20 government decisions4.7%
the PoliticianMaking 21 government decisions4.4%
the Hand of the ClanMaking 40 government decisions4.0%
the Chief of StaffMaking 80 government decisions2.3%
the Puppet MasterMaking 160 government decisions2.3%
the Invisible HandMaking 320 government decisions1.9%
the Human CalculatorMaking 640 government decisions0.9%

Zones Invaded
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the InvaderInvading 1 zones3.5%
the War ChiefInvading 4 zones1.9%
the WarlordInvading 8 zones1.9%
the Field MarshalInvading 16 zones1.2%
the BrigadierInvading 32 zones0.9%
the Major GeneralInvading 64 zones0.2%
the Supreme Leader of the Allied ForcesInvading 128 zones0.0%

Raids Launched
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the BarbarianLaunching 1 raids4.0%
the WandererLaunching 4 raids3.3%
the UsurperLaunching 8 raids2.3%
the ConquerorLaunching 16 raids1.9%
the AvengerLaunching 32 raids1.9%
of AquiloniaLaunching 64 raids1.9%
the DestroyerLaunching 128 raids1.2%

Largest Audience
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Star of the StageStreaming to 1 players7.0%
the ProtagonistStreaming to 2 players1.2%
of the Stream Actors GuildStreaming to 3 players0.0%
the Lead PerformerStreaming to 4 players0.0%
This Year's Outpost IdolStreaming to 6 players0.0%
the Shameless ExhibitionistStreaming to 8 players0.0%

Highest Levels
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the NewbieGaining 1 levels84.7%
the Bunny SlayerGaining 2 levels70.0%
the Grasslands GraduateGaining 4 levels50.7%
the SkilledGaining 8 levels38.8%
the PracticedGaining 16 levels30.9%
the VenerableGaining 20 levels28.6%
the DedicatedGaining 32 levels24.2%
the RespectedGaining 40 levels20.2%
the HonorableGaining 60 levels13.0%
is Grinding Out The LevelsGaining 64 levels12.1%
is On The Home StretchGaining 75 levels8.6%
the DistinguishedGaining 80 levels7.9%

Rodents Killed
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Rabbit CatcherExterminating 1 Rodents3.7%
Bugs' BaneExterminating 2 Rodents3.7%
of Mice and MenExterminating 4 Rodents2.8%
the Champion MouserExterminating 8 Rodents2.3%
the Pest StomperExterminating 16 Rodents1.9%
MousebeaterExterminating 32 Rodents1.6%
of Lennie's Small GuildExterminating 64 Rodents1.4%
Mickey's NemesisExterminating 128 Rodents0.9%
Minnie's SorrowExterminating 256 Rodents0.7%
Who Killed RogerExterminating 512 Rodents0.5%
of Fudd's Fraternal OrderExterminating 1024 Rodents0.2%

Healing Given
TitleEarned FromHeld By
Carries a First Aid KitHealing 8 Hitpoints1.4%
the PediatricianHealing 16 Hitpoints1.4%
Brings the BandagesHealing 24 Hitpoints1.4%
the Faith HealerHealing 32 Hitpoints1.4%
the Field MedicHealing 64 Hitpoints1.4%
Swabs the IodineHealing 128 Hitpoints1.4%
the Bone SetterHealing 256 Hitpoints1.4%
the PhysicianHealing 512 Hitpoints1.2%
has the Healing TouchHealing 1024 Hitpoints0.9%
the SurgeonHealing 4096 Hitpoints0.2%
the Channels the Healing LightHealing 8192 Hitpoints0.2%
the Angel of MercyHealing 16384 Hitpoints0.2%
Doctor for the DoomedHealing 32768 Hitpoints0.0%
Keeps Them TickingHealing 65536 Hitpoints0.0%

Healing Received
TitleEarned FromHeld By
Needed a First Aid KitReceiving 8 Healing1.6%
Skinned a KneeReceiving 16 Healing1.6%
the BandagedReceiving 24 Healing1.6%
'tis But a ScratchReceiving 32 Healing1.6%
Trusts The MedicReceiving 64 Healing1.6%
Prefers MercurochromeReceiving 128 Healing1.6%
the SplintedReceiving 256 Healing1.4%
the Impatient PatientReceiving 512 Healing1.2%
the PincushionReceiving 1024 Healing0.9%
the Often StitchedReceiving 4096 Healing0.5%
Life is PainReceiving 8192 Healing0.2%
the Thrice Filled TankReceiving 16384 Healing0.2%
Got Used to ItReceiving 32768 Healing0.0%
Takes a LickingReceiving 65536 Healing0.0%

Players Rescued
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the Hero of the DayRescuing 1 Players0.7%
the Hero of the BattleRescuing 2 Players0.5%
the Hero of the RunRescuing 4 Players0.5%
the BraveRescuing 8 Players0.5%
the FearlessRescuing 16 Players0.2%
the FighterRescuing 32 Players0.2%
the SnowplowRescuing 64 Players0.0%
the ProtectorRescuing 128 Players0.0%
Saves The DayRescuing 256 Players0.0%
the Tag Team PartnerRescuing 512 Players0.0%
the Extra TankRescuing 1024 Players0.0%
the Bonzai BotanistRescuing 2048 Players0.0%

Skills Affected
TitleEarned FromHeld By
the TalentedTrying 1 Skill Affects2.8%
Skipped a GradeTrying 2 Skill Affects2.3%
the Auditor of TrainingTrying 4 Skill Affects1.9%
Knows A Few Ring TricksTrying 8 Skill Affects1.2%
the Purveyor of KnowledgeTrying 16 Skill Affects0.9%
of the NibelungenTrying 24 Skill Affects0.7%
the ArtificerTrying 32 Skill Affects0.7%
of the RheingoldTrying 48 Skill Affects0.2%
Die WalküreTrying 64 Skill Affects0.2%
Brünnhilde's BuddyTrying 96 Skill Affects0.2%
GötterdämmerungTrying 112 Skill Affects0.2%
the ArcanistTrying 128 Skill Affects0.0%
the Ring BearerTrying 160 Skill Affects0.0%